Executive Members


Timothy Chen

Timothy Chen graduated from North Carolina State University in May 2019 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. He is a fourth year Ph.D. student investigating chemo-mechanical degradation in high-capacity materials for lithium-ion batteries. In his free time, Timothy enjoys playing online chess, ice skating, volunteering, and hiking with friends.

Internal Vice President
Ana Schauer
External Vice President
Caroline Massey
Ana Schauer is a fourth-year PhD student investigating design cognition and bias in Dr. Kate Fu’s Engineering Design Research Lab. She graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2019. In her free time, Ana enjoys cats, playing volleyball, and crafts. Caroline graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland in 2018. She is a fourth year PhD student researching in the areas of additive manufacturing, non-destructive testing, and machine learning. She is excited to plan professional events for MEGA, since students have missed many networking opportunities due to the pandemic. Please feel free to reach out Caroline at cmassey36@nullgatech.edu if you have any ideas for any professional events or are interested in partnering with MEGA!
Vice President of Finance
Sait Kilinc
Social Chair
Mayur Singh
Sait Kilinc is a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Dr. Degertekin’s research group. His research revolves around exploring wave propagation, signal processing, and micro-electromechanical systems. Outside of his research work, he enjoys trail running, camping, and fishing.
Yueyi (Diana) Sun
Vice President of Recruitment
Sonja Brankovic
Yueyi Sun graduate from Georgia Institute of Technology in May 2016 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. She is a doctoral student in Dr. Alexander Alexeev’s complex fluids modeling and simulation group in GT. She has been a big fan of Formula 1 (especially for team Ferrari) for 16 years. She enjoys many types of workouts such as running, kickboxing, weight training, and hiking… She loves cooking, baking, and tasting different foods worldwide. She joined MEGA board in 2017, first as secretary and then as VP, and now as President of MEGA! During her term, she would like to improve the environment of GT ME department, to be more active and inclusive! Not only among students, but also between faculties and students! If you want to be involved in MEGA and student leadership, please don’t hesitate to contact her: ysun340@nullgatech.edu. Sonja is a 5th-year PhD candidate studying high-temperature chloride salt corrosion of structural alloys and firebricks for next-generation renewable energy applications. She graduated with a BSME from the University of Illinois and is excited to join the MEGA board as VP of Recruitment. In her free time she enjoys going to farmers markets, reading, and spending time with her beagle and husband.